Manufacturer: Pioneer Pet Products LLC

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Kitty's Garden Peat and Seed: Wholesale Products

Product description:The Kitty's Garden Peat and Seed is an easy way to refill you cat grass. The customer can use the seeds to refill there Kitty's Garden or they can use it for any pots they have at home. All they have to do is follow the directions and there cat will have eatable grass in 4 to 6 days.
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Manufacturer: Pioneer Pet Products LLC
Order terms
- Typical delivery time frame: 7 days
- Opening Order Minimum: $20.00
- Re-Order Minimum: $20.00
- Free Shipping: $1000.00
- Terms Offered (upon approval): Yes
- Credit Card: MasterCard; Visa; American Express; Discover;
- Upon Credit Approval: NET 30;
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