Manufacturer: Glo-Marr - Kenic

KENIC Ken'L Lan 128: Wholesale Products

Product description:KENIC Ken’L-Lan 128 Germicidal Detergent 1 Gallon makes 128 gallons at 1 to 128 dilution; 32 gallons at 4 to 128 rate. Ken’L-Lan 128 is a no rinse, germicidal detergent and deodorant. Disinfects, cleans and deodorizes. Recommended for use in pet shops, kennels, hospitals, veterinary clinics, breeding and grooming establishments, animal life science laboratories, equine farms, dairy farms, hog farms, tack shops, poultry and turkey farms. Effective against pathogenic bacteria at 1 to 128 dilution. Fungicidal against: Trichophyton interdigitale and Candida Albicans. Virucidal against: HIV-1 (Aids virus), Canine Parvovirus (4 oz. per gallon of water), Canine Distemper Virus, Rabies virus, Feline Leukemis Virus, Feline Picoma Virus, Porcine Parvovirus, Pseudorabies Virus, Infectious Bronchitis Virus (Avian IBV). Effective against the following pathogenic bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, almonella
H1N1 influenza (Swine Flu) Please call for a complete listing.

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Manufacturer: Glo-Marr - Kenic
Order terms
  • Typical delivery time frame: 5 days
  • Free Shipping: $500.00
  • Terms Offered (upon approval): Yes
Payment Terms:
  • Credit Card: MasterCard; Visa; Discover;
  • Upon Credit Approval: NET 15;
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