
Retailer Benefits

  • Need Extra Cash?

    Need Extra Cash?

    We have your solution. Every time you purchase pet supplies for your store through, you earn lifetime cash back rewards.

    You can expect to receive a check every month that you can use any way you wish. In addition, many of our manufacturers offer volume discounts and promotions throughout the year so you can save hundreds even thousands on your pet supplies!

  • Not Enough Time in the Day?

    Not Enough Time in the Day?

    Not a problem. You can access all manufacturers on our website 24/7. Simply select the items you want to add to your cart and check out. And, if you have any problems with your orders, contact us and we will take care of it for you.

    If you need a re-order, you can quickly do so by going to your favorites lists to speed up the process. Any products, orders or manufacturers can easily be added to your favorites to save yourself time on your re-ordering process.

  • Miss the trade show?

    Miss the trade show?

    Now, you can watch product training videos directly on our website. This new innovative features allows you to gain more insight on key selling points for products.

    You can also view and purchase new products that you like at anytime. You have direct access to products and manufacturers and can keep track of what is doing well through our best seller's calculation and other features.

Manufacturer Benefits

  • Marketing


    A great way to grow your business is to have your products listed on our website. We are consistently advertising with our manufacturers. In addition, by being a manufacturer on our website, you will have the opportunity to have a video featured in our video channel section.

  • Real Time Information

    Real Time Information

    As a manufacturer, you control your account, which means products, images and other pertinent information can be uploaded to our website at your convenience.

  • Managing Your Business

    Managing Your Business back office solution is one of the best systems on the market and is catered towards the pet industry. This system will help reduce the amount of time it takes in processing orders and helps grow your business! The system will be available towards the end of 2008.

*Remember, we are here to serve you and make your life easier.
Please contact us at anytime with questions or feedback.
We always enjoy hearing from you.

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